Wednesday 14 March 2012

An introduction to the world of dating disasters!

After years of friends laughing at my disastrous dates and encouraging me to wrote a blog on the subject, I have caved in, and decided to give you all a good old giggle in to my history of dating-mares!

You know that old saying 'Those who can’t do teach' well there's a whole lot of TRUTH in that for moi! My life is one big one cliché, I am an absolute klutz on dates and generally around attractive male species, yet when it comes to providing advice and tips on them, I unveil a natural talent - or so they say!  Ladies, I know how to charm the socks off men with a proposal at the end of it but when it comes to following my own advice; I'm sorry where were we?  You see, I lose all sense focus, I freeze, go giddy; and have even dribbled in the presence of a man I liked!  But, I am not to be mistaken for a bitter, and twisted old bat, I am a normal, confident, and career driven 25 year old.  I drive, I have plenty of friends, I have a lovely family, and yet why I can’t bag a decent man because I attract moronic dates!  Is there a reason I fail on dates?  Is it fate telling me that, that particular date is a no-go?  Who knows, but at least I can provide you with some humor at the end of it!  If you have any disastrous dates you want to share, or looking for advice on the male subject, then I'm all ears.  I will also add it to my blog so we can all join in and discuss.

At 17, once the braces were off, and the spots has disappeared, I found myself constantly pondering what it would be like to be swept of my feet by a real prince.  Yes, I was and still am a sucker for Rom-Com's, Disney films, and having JLo as my all time favourite, doesn't help either!  In fact, it makes life worse - considering I am clumsy anyway; expecting a man to save me from falling over my own two feet just hasn't happened - yet.  I am a hopeful though.  Always hopeful.  Now 25, I find myself still hoping for him to happen.  Though, I have wised up, a lot.  No longer do I believe everyman’s’ word, nor do I believe they are all princes.  But I do believe in Love, and that is something I will always believe in.

So, here we have my dating disasters, advice for women (the irony never seizes to amaze) as well as your stories and questions unveiled....

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